成人主日学:星期日上午11:00-12:00在Zoom上进行,主日崇拜时间:星期日下午1:30 - 3:00 pm,崇拜地点:200 Dalhousie Drive (由正门进入主堂)。温尼伯华人信义会征聘牧师 | 我就是道路、真理、生命,若不借着我没有人能到父那里去
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*2023.1.22 追思皱磊夫弟兄视频
* 2023.1.22职青团契影集
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* 2022.8.6聚会影集、林扬见证
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* 常青.乐龄团契聚会影集
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* 2014年St. Vital Park野餐
* 本教会成立20周年庆典音乐会
* 本教会成立20周年庆典晚宴
* 本教会2014年夏季退修会集锦
* 本教会2013年夏季退修会集锦
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* 一群诺贝尔得奖者见证

* 主日崇拜事奉人员须知
* 教会聚会基本秩序
Pastoral Search from Winnipeg Chinese Lutheran Church


温尼泊华人信义会位于加拿大中部温尼伯市(Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada), 目前正式会友大约40名,一般有近十名慕道友参加聚会。会友来自不同的讲中文的地区, 但以中国大陆为主。教会事务由执事会在与牧师洽商的情况下负责管理。主日崇拜于周日的下午1:30 举行,主日还有成人主日学, 儿童主日学。周三晚上有祷告会, 周末有各种团契: 包括两个细胞小组, 三个姐妹团契,以及职青团契。教会在温尼伯市南部,华人较多,同时比邻曼尼托巴大学, 教会有向中国移民和学生传福音的异象和负担。希望寻找一位有同样看见,有负担,有恩赐的牧师带领教会扩展神的国度。
Winnipeg Chinese Lutheran Church (WCLC) is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Currently it has about 40 official members but there are up to ten non-members attending our services. The members are from various Chinese speaking regions with the majority from Mainland China. Church affairs are administered by the church council in consultation with the Pastor. Besides Sunday worship, there are Sunday schools for adults and children. During the week, there are prayer meetings on Wednesday evening and various fellowships including 2 cell groups, 3 sisters study groups, young professionals and seniors. WCLC is located in the southern part of Winnipeg which has a high proportion of Chinese and is close to the University of Manitoba. The church has the vision of outreaching to Chinese immigrants and students. We are seeking a pastor who shares the same vision and is blessed with adequate skills to work with us to lead the church and extend God’s kingdom.
    Requirements of the Pastor

  • 必须是重生得救的基督徒, 清楚神的呼召做全时间的事奉
    Must be a born-again Christian who is clear about God’s calling to full time ministry
  • 必须有福音派,正统的神学观,相信圣经的权威,跟从圣经的教导
    Must have an orthodox, evangelical theological view
  • 受过正规神学训练,有神学士或道学士的水平
    Have formal theological training at B.Th or B.Div. level
  • 具备圣经要求的传道人的真理根基、灵性、品格
    Possess knowledge of the Truth, spirituality and character commensurate with biblical requirements of a preacher
  • 有事奉的心志,关爱教会和会友
    Dedicated to the calling to serve the church and its members
  • 能够用中文(普通话)讲道
    Must be able to preach in Mandarin
  • 英语能力足够处理日常工作需要, 能够使用粤语更好
    English proficiency adequate to deal with routine work requirements. It is very helpful to be able to speak Cantonese
  • 最好有牧会经验
    Experience in pastoral work is an asset
  • 讲道,辅导和沟通都有一定的水平
    Adequate level of competency in preaching, counseling and communications
  • 有领导能力
    Have leadership ability


Winnipeg Chinese Lutheran Church
200 Dalhousie Drive, Winnipeg MB, Canada R3T 2Z1

Phone: (204) 289-4618
Email: Office@HeIsTheLife.onmicrosoft.com

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